Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Eleven: Ultra Fun-Fest

We've finally recovered from the Ultra Fun-Fest that was Chris and Julie's visit! Man, we did some stuff. This stuff included the following:

Day 1: We met up at Schipol Airport. I confirmed that Obama had won handily (they flew on election night). We took a train back to Central Station in Amsterdam, then a tram to our apartment where we watched Obama's victory speech online (there may have been crying). Throughout the rest of the day (and indeed the rest of the visit) one or all would periodically shout "OBAMA!!!"

Julie and Chris managed to slog through the rest of the day (jet lag) via a visit to the cute corner cafe, a stroll through the neighborhood, and a light take-home dinner. We decided to visit Brugge over the coming weekend.

Later that evening, Chris, Kim and Julie played some Wii. A tradition was established.

Day 2: Bicycles! Everyone who visits must do this. We rode to City Center / the Canal District (debated whether "Canal District" is a real title or something Kim and I invented). Ate dutch pancakes. Generally saw the sights.

Later that evening, Chris, Kim and Julie played some Wii.

Day 3: Rode our bikes to the Van Gogh Museum. Julie almost got hit by a tram!

Later that evening, Chris, Kim and Julie played some Wii.

Day 4: Drove to Brugge (in Belguim), through lots of typical Dutch countryside. Brugge has a very well preserved medieval city center surrounded by moats. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, because of the very cool medievalness it is also a major tourist destination. Our hotel was in keeping with this medieval theme; Julie and Chris' room smelled just like an antediluvian sewer.

We spent a lot of time wandering the streets searching for hot chocolate and waffles. In the evening we went to a dungeon-y pub with a fireplace and a generally appropriate vibe. We ate at a so-so restaurant recommended by the Hotel clerk (Brugge is not really known for culinary greatness. It's all about the beer and chocolate).

Day 5: Got into the groove in Brugge. Climbed the tower in the center of town (as seen in the film In Bruges), finally found the kick-ass hot chocolate we had been searching for, visited a couple of churches, a museum, and an art gallery. We ate dinner in another below grade establishment; a fine setting for a medieval meal.

Day 6: Returned to Amsterdam. Kim had to be back in the office by noon. Chris, Julie and I decided to visit the Rijksmuseum, which is undergoing a major renovation and is therefore condensed into one "best of" wing. This cliff notes version was fine by us. Julie almost got busted using Kim's defective Museumkaart (free entry for card holders). They quizzed her on where she purchased it. She was all, "... aahhh, ....ummmm", and Chris was like, "you got it at work, remember?" which was the wrong answer but a good try, so they let her in.

The Rijks also has Damien Hirst's For the Love of God exhibit (named after his mother's response to it) which consists of a single diamond-encrusted skull. Maybe you need to really love diamonds to appreciate it. Or I guess it's supposed to be a statement? Something about the folly of excess? I don't know. It was a bedazzled skull. And not even a real skull, but a platinum skull. It cost 59 million euros. It has 8,601 diamonds. Hooray.

Later that evening, Chris, Kim and Julie played some Wii.

Day 7 (are you bored yet?): Chris and Julie opted for an evening at the Chic and Basic hotel (this is actually the name of the place) overlooking a canal in the Jordaan. The Jordaan is my favorite neighborhood, located just outside the madness of City Center but within the "Canal District". It was pretty darn Chic, and I guess Basic by virtue of its minimalist decor. After they checked in, we went to the Anne Frank House. There is usually a long line but on this Tuesday afternoon it was relatively quiet. I had been once before during a European vacation with cousins (backpacks, hostels). I'm glad I went again. It was an intense and very worthwhile experience.

Day 8: Chris, Julie and I met up for cappuccinos and poffertjes (tiny sweet pancakes) at our favorite Dutch pancake house. Then we shopped. It was one of those good shopping days. Reasonable and stylish purchases were made with little angst or debate. Goals were set and met. A variety of interesting shops were discovered. Homecoming gifts were procured. Before heading back to the apartment we visited a coffeeshop and swung through the Red Light District.

Chris cooked a fantastic meal. Later that evening, Chris, Kim and Julie played some Wii.

Day 9: Julie, Chris and I rented a car (poor Kim! meetings all day!) and drove to the Kroller Muller Museum, about an hour east of Amsterdam. The website describes Kroller Muller as "A magnificent amalgamation of art, architecture and nature". AND HOW. The museum is essentially the one-time art collection of a wealthy Dutch family, located on their one-time hunting grounds. It is now run by the Rijks. The hunting grounds have become part of a national park (Hoge Veluwe). A series of sculpture gardens were added in the 1950's. There is a fleet of 1,700 white bicycles that visitors can use (free) to travel through the park.

On the day we visited there were maybe a handful of people there. It was our own giant surreal playground.

We returned home for dinner with Kim at a good neighborhood Italian restaurant. Later that evening, Chris, Kim and Julie played some Wii.

Day 10: The visit ended as it had begun; at our cute corner cafe for a breakfast of croissants, yogurt and toasties (grilled ham and cheese). I dropped Chris and Julie at Schipol, returned the rental, and immediately went shopping for vegetables.


Unknown said...

feel as if i was along. could use a pic of the wii sessions

Shawna said...

I'm glad you all had a blast and that JB did not get hit by a tram. When can I come??

Unknown said...

thanks for nod on backpacking, hosteling