Friday, September 26, 2008

Four: No Matter Where, There You Are

It's about that time where "normal" life has fallen into place. Parking permit, utilities, internet/cable, dinner making, movie watching, and lots of dairy consumption. We had a bout of nasty weather - really wish I had my rainboots and warmer clothes. That should be coming in our sea shipment due to arrive in about a week! Work is tedious and boring, especially knowing that Jesse is at home! I just want to play. I think we're going to hit Belgium this weekend, if this decent weather holds.

We went to the Satellite Sports Cafe in Leidseplein - scary, frequented mainly by expats, but with giant flat screens mounted on every wall with every sport imaginable! Yes, the baseball playoffs. *sigh* Eventually we couldn't take the atmosphere anymore and left. We will most likely visit again during the week where it might not be so scary.

We keep renting depressing movies and reading depressing books...There Will Be Blood, The Last King of Scotland, Into the Wild. Good god, fill a warm bathtub to slit my wrists please. I also just finished reading Infidel, the life account written by a controversial ex-Muslim female in the Netherlands. Now I'm reading Ten Thousand Splendid Suns.

Did you know that 92% of the Dutch population drink coffee? They come in 4th in the world for coffee consumption - only behind Finland, Norway and Sweden. Mmmm....cold weather must breed the need for coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe being really cool and rational and building a functioning society is correlated with coffee-drinking. (I'm not sure what causes what...)